What I was up to

An overview of stuff I was working on or other stuff that kept me occupied in December 2018. Inspired by the movement of /now pages.


Work wise, there’s not that many things going on at the moment. I’m happy with some of the recent work at Boords. We’ve succesfully introduced Typescript to the codebase and have done some major refactoring of some parts of the frontend code. Some neat stuff lined up for 2019 as well.

I’ve also spent some more time on my generative music side project. I’ve made a winter-y version of it, but I ran out of storage on SoundCloud, so I can’t share it now. I’ve also started looking at the core of the application again, to tweak the melodies that it generates. Hope to make some more progress with that then.

Things I liked a lot recently:

Avatar: The Last Airbender

This show is great. It’s nice, funny and a bit wholesome. I had never really followed the show when I was younger, but I always kind of wanted to. After enjoying The Dragon Prince recently (by the same creators), we decided to finally give it a go. Glad to have watched it now!


For some reason, this was never really a thing in the Netherlands, even though The Simpsons were. Either way, I’m happy to be watching this show now. I’m just dreading the inevitable end (which at the time of writing is only about 10 episodes away!)