What I was up to

An overview of stuff I was working on or other stuff that kept me occupied in May 2021. Inspired by the movement of /now pages.


At Boords, I’ve been working hard on a new feature that is proving to be a bit more involved than we plan, there are some UI changes, new API endpoints and a decent amount of refactoring. We hope to share it with everyone soon.


My wife and I got our first Vaccination this month, which is exciting. It makes the ending of the whole COVID situation feel a bit more in sight.

It seems that spring has finally hit England, and so now we’re spending some hours working from the garden, walking on the beach, and spying on seagull babies hidden on top of the various rooftops in our neighbourhood. It feels great to finally see some sun.

Besides that, this month hasn’t been particularly great and interesting. I feel a bit in a slump again. It’s hard to spend energy to work on things outside of work at the moment (like working on an iOS app, learning piano, and playing guitar) so I’m taking it a bit easier.


This month’s special mention goes to the show Mythic Quest. This show has been getting a lot of love, and I think it’s deserved. Some of the problems and excitement of the workplace depicted in the show resonate hard with some of our own experiences of working in creative occupations (my wife has worked in the gaming industry).

It’s especially interesting to see how the show exposes narcissism, even though it simultaneously seems to celebrate it sometimes. They do a great job in developing the characters (some slower than others). It just keeps building on itself, which is great.

But what hit hardest was the stand-alone episode A Dark Quiet Death. We felt that one, deeply. It isn’t a funny episode, instead it shows what happens when good ideas become basic, soulless creations when you’re not careful.

Other stuff

We’ve been playing a lot of Elder Scrolls Online again this month. As I mentioned last month, on those days or evenings where we’re not entirely sure what to do, exploring the world and lore of the Elder Scrolls series is a pretty nice way of spending some time together. And there’s been a lot of those days this month.

We’re still going through Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series in the form of audiobooks. Currently, we’re listening to The Shepherd’s Crown, the last book in the series 😢.